Taiko at CicLAvia

Join LATI to bring taiko to Los Angeles' greatest bicycle event, CicLAvia!

You can ride with us from Torrance, or meet us anywhere along the way.

8:00 "Long Haul" depart from Asano Taiko US (Kotobukijishi)
10:30ish enter CicLAvia route at Broadway and 7th
11:00ish arrive at Grand Park (lower level, near Spring and 1st)
11:30 lunch, nap, hangout
12:30 Yatai Bayashi along CicLAvia route
13:30 Calypso along CicLAvia route
15:00 depart for Asano Taiko US (Kotobukijishi)
17:30ish arrive Asano Taiko US

Times and locations subject to change. This page will be frequently updated.
310-350-8825 -- Call Kris for day-of location/status.

1) bike, skateboard, rollerblades, running shoes, etc -- if you want to join us on CicLAvia route
2) water
3) sunblock
4) Kris' contact info
5) energy

Learn more about CicLAvia

Sunday, October 16, 2016 - 08:00 to 17:00
Kris Bergstrom