
LATIdama Overview

The 1-ee-and-uh Drill combines every 4-beat combination of two tones, for example "don" (drum center) and "da" (drum edge). The 16 total combinations represent a significant portion of the sticking combinations used in taiko. LATI postulates that a deep understanding of these combinations, and the ability to apply the drill to a variety of tones, empowers players to systematically identify dexterity challenges.

Earning the 1-ee-and-uh LATIdama signifies that you have attained a high level of proficiency with the drill's form and understand how to further apply the drill concepts to future practice.

For detailed information on the LATIdama system, see LATIdama.

Good luck and have fun!


In order to receive this LATIdama, you must:

  1. Demonstrate the ability to play the 1-ee-and-uh Drill from memory, with 0 errors, in two variations at 80bpm (four hits per click).
  2. Variation 1 - do/go vs po/ko
    Variation 2 - do/go vs da/ga
    "A" and "B" tones must be distinct from one another. All "A" tones must sound similar. All "B" tones must sound similar. A single error disqualifies a run-through. One "do-over" attempt is allowed for each variation.

    At-home evaluation:
    Video record yourself playing the two variations with a slight a pause between each. Prepare the video camera, set the metronome to 80bpm, and start when ready.

    Common errors when attempting Requirement 1:
    -- Missed hit. i.e. a "don" is accidentally played "da".
    -- A major glitch that detracts from the rhythm. The occasional "near-miss" is acceptable.
    -- Forgotten or mis-repeated pattern. (Note that the particular order of rhythms in the drill is not essential. It is acceptable to intentionally deviate from the LATI order of rhythms as long as all 16 unique patterns are still played one time each.)
    -- "Skipped beat'' or other significant timing deviation. Slight variations in tempo or strike timing are acceptable.

  3. Demonstrate your understanding of the purpose of the 1-ee-and-uh Drill
  4. Explain the basic concept and organization of the 1-ee-and-uh Drill.
    Explain the role of the 1-ee-and-uh Drill in individual practice.
    Devise and explain a custom variation of the 1-ee-and-uh Drill that is relevant to your personal practice goals.

  5. Perform a custom variation of the 1-ee-and-uh Drill from memory with 0 errors.
  6. Rules of acceptability from Requirement 1 apply. One "do-over" attempt is allowed.

  7. Complete the LATIdama Questionnaire