Asano Youth Intermediate

LATIdama Overview

Asano Youth Intermediate LATIdama

Earning the Asano Youth Intermediate LATIdama indicates knowledge and proficiency in basic taiko skills LATI considers necessary for the advancement to the intermediate level.

Specifically, players need to:

  • Know the Japanese names of key instrument and equipment used in taiko
  • Maintain a strong Stance (Kamae)
  • Understand Kuchi Shoga and play taiko patterns sung using the Kuchi Shoga by the instructor
  • Be able to copy 1-bar phrases played by the instructor
  • Play 4-8-16 at a reasonable tempo and maintain the rhythm with acceptable form
  • Play Renshu Daiko with correct dynamics and 90% accuracy
  1. Equipment Names (太鼓と道具の名称) - Familiarity with the names of all taiko and drum sticks
  2. Stance (かまえ) - Stance enables strong strike: width and length of feet equal, hips facing the drum, center of body at height of drumhead
  3. Kuchi Shoga and Copycat (口唱歌とコピーキャット) - Play what is being sung or played by instructor with 90% accuracy (90BPM)
  4. 4-8-16 - Large single strikes on the 4, large simultaneous strikes on the 8, clear and even elbow strikes on the 16, all with acceptable timing (100BPM)
  5. Renshu (「練習太鼓」) - Execute all five phrases of Renshu with correct dynamics and 90% accuracy (120BPM)