shime/okedo bachi hou (magnolia) K-38 recommended.
Katsugi Fundamentals
Focused on playing together and allowing ourselves to have fun and interact with our peers while we play.
Our first drill was to take a more powerful stance (kind of like warrior 2 yoga pose) and play towards our partner across the way. Focusing on right handed strikes while playing lines 1 and 2 from the previous class.
Also practiced playing lines 1 and 2 using both hands focusing on striking with the left hand. Also think about sharing the center of the drum for both left and right strike.
While standing in a circle we split the group and had one half playing lines 1 and 2 using both hands while the other half moved around the center to find a new spot in the circle. Focus on interaction, moving with the okedo, spacing, playing while moving.
Tried playing the nuanced patterns with both hands and also stepping while playing the nuanced patterns. We also tried moving around the circle while playing these lines.
Ended with two circuits and moving while playing with both hands. Try to remember to control the okedo while moving and turning and keeping arms in the correct playing position.
Clean Up