All Bachi
12:00-12:10 - Stretch
-Review Schedule + Parts
12:10-12:20 - Set Up
12:20-12:50 - Split into Groups
Chu Daiko- Fred+Masa (Large Room)
Shime/Oke - Jen (Small Room)
Bell/Shime - Young (Meeting Room)
Odaiko - Yuta (Kitchen)
12:50-1:00 - Break + Move to Large Room
1:00-1:15 - Run Through x 2
1:15-1:40 - Medley Ideas
Test Out (Determine what the back row does in the meantime):
Summer Reprise - Intro
Omiyage - A x 2
Dokokara - Main Phrase II x 2 (ABAB→Long Tag)
Yodan - A x 2 + Turns x 2 + A x 2
Jack Bazaar?
Come up with preliminary order, split parts between two Chu Daiko teams
Insert after 2nd Build, practice going into Conversation 2
→ Run Through? (do we have time for this?)