
LATIdama Overview

This is the Oft-Quoted LATIdama Evaluation, providing detailed instructions on how to earn this LATIdama. For general information on the LATIdama system, see LATIdama.

The Oft-Quoted LATIdama recognizes the creators of phrases that have been useful to the community and adopted by multiple players. This LATIdama evaluation is submitted on behalf of someone else and the LATIdama granted as a thank-you from those whom have benefited. This evaluation requires demonstrating three performance uses of the composer/choreographer's phrase by players other than the composer/choreographer herself.


In order for this LATIdama to be granted to the nominated composer/choreographer, you must submit the following by email. For details on submission, see "How To Submit An Evaluation By Email" here.

  1. Provide the name and contact information of the creator you are nominating for this LATIdama.
  2. Submit links to three or more videos showing use of the creator's phrase by three players other than the creator.
  3. (optional) Provide the name and contact information of other players we should contact for thank-you messages presented to the creator when LATIdama is granted.


  • The phrase recognized must be copyleft licensed. Acceptable licenses include the Free Art License 1.3, and the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0.
  • The creator nominated should be the original creator and copyright holder of the phrase. In some cases, significant contributions to existing phrases may qualify the contributor for recognition.
  • Creators cannot submit evaluations for themselves.
  • A "performance" of the phrase is typically a public presentation of the work but other presentations may be accepted.

The evaluation submitter will be informed of the outcome prior to our contacting the creator.

Happy nominating!