tsukeshime bachi (usually smaller diameter, softer "hou" wood)
nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
- ATUS/LATI overview
- introductions
-- taiko history
-- current practice schedule
-- goals
-- strengths/weaknesses
initial evaluation
- repertoire sample (VIDEO)
-- good: stable rhythm, ability to play alone, varied and distinct techniques (loud / soft, don / ka)
-- weak: current strike is mainly shoulder and fingers. Need more elbow.
beta fundamentals
- med strike: need more elbow
-- potential solutions
--- focus on elbow bend
--- use "stab" imagery
--- grip with middle finger
--- let bachi fall back into thenar web space (don't let thumb interfere)
- 16's Drill
- large strike
-- need more elbow
-- rotate torso to allow shoulder to come forward for strike
-- use "gravity" for 90% of strike power