tsukeshime bachi (usually smaller diameter, softer "hou" wood)
Homework check-in
- dribbling bachi
- 101 glitch ji
Full 101 glitch ji
5 structure
- catching the tempo
- listening to metronome (aiming for cutting click in half)
- counting
- ten tsuku at various speeds
-- switching to straight hits
Req 1 - Run-through
- jiuchi played comfortably, musically
- no significant structural mistakes
- volume adjusted to match soloist
- ability to "hold it together" by maintaining and emphasizing groove when soloist is lost, uncertain
- ability to "jump ship" and switch to soloist downbeat
Req 2 - Jiuchi speed
- ability to play "ten tsuku" in control at 160bpm for 32em
- ability to switch smoothly to "teke" at faster speeds
Req 3 - Supporting the soloist
- able to call "so-re" when necessary
- able to give cue when necessary
10 minutes x 3 days - ten tsuku comfort zone R and L hands
- starting with the metronome at about 90 bpm, play jiuchi w L hand lead and focus on being in control, relaxed, and creating similar tones every jiuchi by using exact same movements.
- once completely comfortable and after about 30 seconds, increase tempo approx 10 bpm.
- continue until nearing end of comfort zone. Stay at this tempo for no less than 3 min.
- record this max speed for L hand.
- repeat R hand.
Practice ten tsuku with metronome. Cut to half-speed.
3 x 90 seconds with one hand, play just behind the click. Repeat other hand.