tsukeshime bachi (usually smaller diameter, softer "hou" wood)
nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
* Abby feedback 02
CLOCK: [2017-03-28 Tue 10:18]--[2017-03-28 Tue 10:27] => 0:09
CLOCK: [2017-03-28 Tue 09:48]--[2017-03-28 Tue 10:03] => 0:15
CLOCK: [2017-03-31 Fri 14:10]--[2017-03-31 Fri 14:25] => 0:15
how rotation relates to tempo
feeling frustrated: not a huge diff yet but keep pushing. "breakthroughs"
looking at objectives
- Establish a basic form, or point-of-departure for variations, in the following:
-- Stance and posture
-- Foot placement, range of variations
-- Arm movement and not-movement
-- Torso movement or not-movement
- Ability to achieve a consistent bachi strike
-- At or near the center of the drum
-- Even sound on L and R
- Ability to achieve a dynamic range -
-- Loud/soft contrast
-- Even crescendo
going deeper than you've gone before (in content but also method)
** shagiri at 60
knee bending
height of bachi vs tempo (a little too big for that height)
** shagiri at 90
beta-style naname
** Crescendo series
final hits and "weight" of arms
** Crescendo and decrescendo
need to know specific heights for each hit and exaggerate extremes
R too strong
4 half notes x4
quarter notes x4
eighth notes x4
** Renshu
reduce up-down movement in favor of rotation (try exaggeration)
R elbow
R bachi flopping back
L arm angle