In Kumidaiko (ensemble drumming) the small-drum (shimedaiko and okedo daiko) often serves as the base-keeper, similar to the drummer in a band, keeping the ensemble together.
Small Drum playing not only involves dexterity and skill, but also consistency in tempo, strength, and thoughtfulness to allow the other big drums to shine.
In this class we will focus on what we think are crucial elements for good jiuchi (basebeat)
1. Technique/Dexterity/Sound
2. Consistency/Reliability/Tempo Keeping
3. Application/Thoughtfulness
Price and Purchase
$264 for all 12 classes
$96 for ever 4 weeks x 3 installments
Purchase Online - make sure to click on appropriate class title
Outline of 12-Week Course
- Fundamentals - Straight Beat, 1 e a u drill (1 accent)
- Fundamentals - Straight Beat, 1 e a u drill (2, 3 accents)
- Multiple Drums - using 1 e a u drill
- Multiple Drums - double stroke and paradiddles, Omiyage Ji
- Omiyage Ji - continued
- Omiyage Ji - continued
- Coaching Session 1
- Coaching Session 2
- Coaching Session 3
- Coaching Session 4
- PEAC Week