tsukeshime bachi (usually smaller diameter, softer "hou" wood)
nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
[10] Welcome
- today's goal: ipponzuki, kaeshi fundamentals
- drum setup
-- usu / kine / pillows / 3 shime in shop
-- Andrusu / 7 beta with mutes in small room
[10] warmup: 16's Drill group review
- review 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
- "Pass the buck"
-- give challenge ("6 inbetweens, L leading")
-- individual tries until they succeed
-- they give next challenge
- next time: 3, 7, 11, 15
[20] split practice
- run 16s Drill while others practice koneri and koneri handoff
-- koneri switch all 3?
[30] ipponzuki
- ipponzuki fundamentals, Toshi gives feedback
- M1 following the pounder
[5] ender: runthrough, oroshi, koneri, ipponzuki
- mochitsuki roles
-- oroshi / komellero (Toshi?)
-- kaeshi / kine teams 1, 2, 3 / shime teams 1, 2, 3
-- kaeshi / ipponzuki (all)
-- mochillero (Toshi)
- rice prep: Jess, reminder: Kaitlyn
- bring take-home containers
- use of the non-standard ATUS spaces
-- "glad Mochi Mochi was here"
Rice Prep Instructions
Mochigome Prep Instructions
Thank you for your assistance in preparing mochi rice for mochitsuki.
Remembering to soak the rice the evening before is critical!
Imagine how bad it would be to forget the rice... ask someone to remind you!
7-8 lbs mochi rice
To prepare the rice, you'll need:
two large bowls
large seive
bucket(s) for keeping runoff water (optional)
large, rectangular plastic container or large Zip-Loc bags etc, for washed rice
large spoon for transferring washed rice to bag
Night before use
1) Rinse rice with cold water.
depending on the size of your bowl, you may need to rinse in two batches.
rinse 4-5 times or until water runs clear.
do not "scrub" rice. Gentle rinsing is sufficient.
Discarded water can be used for indoor plants or landscaping.
2) Soak rice.
12 hours or until a grain will just barely crush in the fingers.
Day of use
3) Drain rice.
Shake in seive to thoroughly remove water.
4) Put drained rice into bag and seal.
5) Deliver rice on time.