Julia Asano-November 06, 2013-latidama-evaluation

Julia Asano
Small Drum Essentials

Req 1 - Copy Cat

  • PASS - Rhythms are repeated with 90% accuracy.
  • PASS - Sticking is matched with 90% accuracy.
  • PASS - Timing of quarter, eighth, and sixteenth nots is precise.
  • PASS - Right and left-hand strike volumes are equal.
  • PASS - Grip and arm positions allow relaxed movements.

Req 2 - Jiuchi

  • N/A - Individual hits of jiuchi are consistent in tone and volume.
  • N/A - Jiuchi maintains a constant tempo.
  • N/A - Counting is correct.
  • N/A - Dynamics are clear.

Req 3 - Listening

  • PASS - By end of allotted time, rhythms are repeated with 90% accuracy.
  • PASS - Sticking is matched with 90% accuracy.
  • PASS - Dynamics are correct.

Suggestions for continued work
Req 1 - Great familiarity with sticking combinations, esp "teke tsuku". Great sense of pulse. To further improve dexterity, practice exaggerating how far back you raise the sticks. This will force the fingers and wrists to be more involved. Ask Kris for more info.
Req 2 - N/A. To be added only in future eval.
Req 3 - Fantastic! You nailed it by the 2nd minute! Good practice technique - listening/air-bachi off drum. Hardest pattern for you at the time: tsuku tsuku tsuku teke.

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