Nagado Bachi
Renshu Daiko
Practice kata and sound quality
Practice not speeding up/slowing down
"Say then Play"
- Say kuchishoga, then play the pattern after
"Say *and* Play"
- Say kuchishoga and play at the same time
Stage Presence
Avoid making unnecessary noise on stage
After walking on stage, stand up straight and with energy
Kamaeru should be *silent*
Even when you are not soloing, you are still on stage! Maintain a good stance and remember: someone might be looking at you!
Run Through
Renshu x 2
Individual Solos (Count 8 counts x 2, "SORE!" at the end)
Rounds - Renshu x 1 (Front Row, Back Row enter after first 4 dons)
Ichi Ni "So Re"
Renshu x 2
Add Entrance and then Bow -> Exit
Front Row: Shozen, Lincoln, Summer, Justus, Giovanni, Jonah
Back Row: Mailia, Taj, Kylie, Shime, Shime, Felix, Taro, Sakura