chu bachi
- Flippy Ka Drill
15 minutes to run through last week's material
- Short Tag Variation with kiai, Main Phrase ABx4, Long Tag
- Come up with last pose - send energy
-- Narrowed it down to 2 possibilities (Up and Center or Down with arms at an angle)
- Everyone learn all the parts
- Start with "long river" part 1
- Learn "long river" part 2
- Split up group to play parts 1 and 2
- Do same for parts 3 and 4
- Everyone become comfortable playing all the parts for "long river"
- Repeat process for "short river"
- Everyone become comfortable playing all the parts for "short river"
- Switch around to play both "long river" and "short river"
Solo Cue
- Teach all the parts for solo cues for the different soloists
- Switch parts to make sure each person knows what to do when playing in a different soloist position
All the solo cues + River
Set River parts for homework
Use a metronome to review your assigned River part.
Practice all the transitions from Solo Cues to the end.