nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
While we talk about goals for this class - expectation as a taiko performer playing an already composed piece
1. Interpreting an already composed and tried piece:
-Ex1 - a pianist playing a Chopin piece
-Ex2 - painting on an empty canvas using the same photo
-> All require a concept/interpretation of the piece + technique to portray that
Let's assume 50% is the already composed piece/theme
The other 50% is your interpretation and execution
2. Today's Omiyage:
-based on Yuta's 20 years of a relationship with Omiyage - as he practiced the more it became clear that the original concept of "smooth" -> "tension + release"
-work within the concept/confines of "tension/release" - Composed piece + Concept = 50%
-build the skills necessary to get to 50% + add own interpretation to heighten depth of performance = the last 50%
Stretchy Drill
Using Yoga Bands
Where and how do we create the stretchy-ness here
Yuta - The Chase
Tension and release within the length of whole phrase
Yuta - Long Build of Tension and Final Explosion
Solo Tag
Combination of A + Aext - what does this mean?
-> as the part that brings everyone back together
Yuta - within the Freeness of soloing, constant reminder that we are still bound to ______
Why is there a B in between all the solos (own story)?
Yuta - Side story of someone's past (Ex. Kakashi Gaiden)
Where is the tension and where is the release?
Yuta - First count is the explosion -> Slowing down of Twirls -> Power Plant that saves and releases energy
Why A again?
Why does A come back?
How will you strengthen that ↑ reason?
Come up with your own flow/sequence of how to express this
Ex. Start Smaller?
Bigger Picture
Now that we have all the separate parts practiced and though through, what is the overarching storyline?
Why is Intro Pattern so simple? (in its movement)
Why does it come back once again before the split River section
What is the conclusion during Ending?
Is it a Happy Ending? A Sad Ending? Or is it Unresolved?
How do you Express that?
Run Through
How did you do?
What does the solo section mean to you?
What is your next step?