nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
My name is ________.
My preferred pronoun is _____________.
I love the texture of ________.
body work
guidance and references through imagery
- to bring awareness to our own body
- to build connection with our own body
- to build connection with the instrument
- everyone is different and have their own pace of connection with their body
- apply the same concept of feeling the air/ki through your spine to build upper body awareness
- to feel the alignment of shoulder, arms, and lower body
- to feel the space around our body
Warm up:
1) tai chi warm up arm swinging exercise
- purpose: posture awareness, and the concept of initiating from your core, and "letting go" of the arms
2) den den daiko arm swing exercise
- purpose: initiating from core, imagine a tiny pulley on the top of your head that guide the direction
3) lower body stretches (Carrie Carter and Ryo Shimamoto)
- feet
- legs + shoulder blades
- photos:
4) dying cockroaches for 2 minutes
- purpose: "shake it up" shake up the qi/ki throughout your entire body
alignment of body with drum
- air bachi to check posture and allignment
- 2 minutes drum roll gradually from soft to loud, focus on posture
breathing exercise chest/torso > belly
- breath in > jelly fish goes down (relax muscle below your belly button)
- breath out > jelly fish goes up (tighten muscle in an upward motion)