nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
History of the drum & style (w/ coffee!)
How the drum works
How to tie
- Bowline starting knot (other options also possible if desired)
- How to lace the rope and tighten evenly
Selecting a katsugi strap and attaching
- Drum should be at roughly lap height for the player
Selecting bachi
- Lighter bachi (similar to shime) tend to be best for most sizes of okedo
Stance and Strike
- Standing comfortably, drum rests toward the right side
- Torso 45 degrees from front, face is front
- RH "hammer" grip, use bottom two fingers as fulcrum
- LH bachi is inverted, held while placed between middle and ring finger
- Practice relaxed strike w/ RH and LH
- Front side/omote vs. back side/ura
Playing while moving
Be aware that the drum will move while you walk
Big steps with the left foot will move the drum more
If moving quickly, running, jumping, etc., use the LH to steady the drum (which means you can only play with the RH)
For practicing consistent strikes and sound
R - R - R - R - R L R L R L R L
R - R - R - R - R L R L R L R -
L - L - L - L - L R L R L R L R
L - L - L - L - L R L R L R L -
For practicing switching between omote/ura
R L(omote) R L(ura)
- Make sure that LH gets completely into position before striking the drum
- Omote position: L arm in line with body of drum
- Ura position: L arm slightly raised, ready to drop toward the drum
Practice piece
Learn and practice all patterns
Arrangement: AABB AABB CCCD