nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
1. Community Group's goal is to become a performance team
-> hence, as you think about "why you want to be a part of this group,"
have that in the back of your mind and think about what sort of performance team you hope to be a part of.
2. We will be sending out a Google Form asking about:
-a. Your hopes and why you want to be a part of this group
-b. Costume ideas
-c. Collecting data on who can play what parts within Dokokara/Jack Bazaar/Omiyage/Rei/Hachijo
3. First Goal: Debut Concert - Set the meeting to flesh out details (Wendy's home?)
4. Talk about some longer term goal ideas (to be discussed further during the meeting)
-a. Come up with a yearly cycle such as: Add one repertoire each year!
(during the last Session of the year so that we can perform it at the Recital?)
-b. Costume purchase/make?
5. Questions?
Split into 2 teams (Masa and Yuta)
-> Establish parts
-> Practice
-> Perform for each other
Clean Up