Maple Bachi
Summer Reprise
- Odaiko: Caylix, CFong, Hiro, Yumi
- Chu (+fue): Kaitlyn, Robie
- Set: Miyuki, Stacey, Steve
- Chappa: Tomoko
Run Through 1 and 2
Increase dynamic range on all crescendos by going smaller and building more
Bring down the ji to be able to listen to the fue
Lower stance to increase feeling of intensity
Kaitlyn - no tonguing
Tomoko - play less tentatively
Practice in groups:
Odaiko - determine solo flow
Fue - practice
Sh/Ok - work on hard sections, increase tempo
Chappa - learn new sounds to add more range of expression
Run Through 3
-Notes (for next week):
Stop and Go motions for taiko players for added intensity
Fue+Chappa Time
Fue - kamae, making sound, full scale, hitting basics
Chappa - twist strike (both hands + single hand)
Question for LD: Yuta back next week / which song or topic to focus on?
Continue Summer Reprise
Clean Up