All Bachi
Set Up for top of show
Parts from last week
Yodan Uchi
Slow Intro
-Alex is too flowy compared to the rest of the group. Have more sharpness at the end of each movement.
-was bad, be sure about your part
-not so much distinction between the first and the second
Jack Bazaar
-counting is off for some, but good job getting back on track as a whole
Transition from KarD2 -> Kronkite needs to be cleaner
-kiai into Maracas all over the place
Lefty Roam
-back row entry can be improved
-Debbie - thinking too much and stressful to watch
-Koji - great energy
-Alex - ji coming down adds so much, but somehow the groove needs to be added - add some accents here and there to keep the groove?
-Ernie - transition from Alex to Ernie should be practiced more
re specific on where this should be, and maybe even practice with the audience. Give examples of Kiais - "Ha~", "Sa~"
-people counting with body - loses effect so keep it internal
Call + Response
-good but can add more drama here to become more human coming out of being "elements of nature"
3rd Movement
-Top of this is weak. It's tiring, but gotta suck this one up and hit hard!
-Ending speed up was too sudden - Fred
Transition - Alex + Ernie
Ernie should enter first
At the end of the transition jam -> Omiyage beginning could have better and more dramatic Ma
Kiai Section
-energy of the voices is not consistent. Serious? Fun? let the decision affect the quality of the voice and groove
A x 4
-Odaiko part is too chaotic for me to listen to. Make sure this is in unison