tsukeshime bachi (usually smaller diameter, softer "hou" wood)
nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
- review course goals
-- learn bozuki and kine fundamentals
-- develop music to support the tsukers
-- create a vision for the future mochitsuki group
- today's goals: rice prep, ipponzuki, and kaeshi
rice prep
- 12 hours soaking (overnight)
- gently wash rice, rinsing until water runs clear (3-5 times)
- drain rice for 15 minutes
while rice cooks
- ipponzuki fundamentals
- kaeshi fundamentals
- bozuki review
-- bozuki structure
--- oroshi (as hakobiya enter)
--- jyunbi
--- tate
--- roll
--- naname
--- mochi age
--- mawari
--- oshiage
-- tate
..ke ..ke ..ke te.ke
..ke ..ke ..ke dzu..
..ke ..ke ..ke te.ke
..ke ..ke ..ke tekete
koneri - (for future reference, since we'll use bozuki)
- bouzuki tate
- ipponzuki
- kaeshi
- questions