tsukeshime bachi (usually smaller diameter, softer "hou" wood)
nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
- Today's goal: 3's section transition focus, 2-count 1eau-based copycat
3's section homework check
- follow the leader: 3's transitions changing tones at 60bpm
- for each pattern
-- normal
-- R on ka
-- L on ka
-- quiet on ka
-- loud on ka
-- normal
3's section tempo pass/fail
- individual picks tempo and attempts to play 3's section no mistakes
-- SH: 40bpm
-- KH: 63
-- EL: 72
-- MH: 40
- random 2-cound 1eau-based copycat
student-led copycat
- 6 min practice
- first two lines on your 1eau Card
- 6 min practice
- second and third lines
- 6 min practice
- third and fourth lines
Practice a 2-count pattern, either the same from class, or whatever most-challenging pattern you can devise.