nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
Full body warmup, focus on generating synovial fluid between joints
Body Percussion:
Prima: 1, 4
Cruzao: 1, 3, 5
Counting: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
fuera/surya: don don don don
Prima + Cruzao - Nice Cup of Tea
new! Cruzao + We Play for Unity
Pujao tag - "Pass God Butt" (pass the god damn butter)
Pattern 1: cut the pie
Pattern 2: Point
Pattern 3: Fried Chicken
Pattern 4: Nice Cup of Tea
Pattern 5: Butterfly
Pattern 6: Criss Cross
[skipped] Pattern 7: Don Tuck Butterfly
Pattern 8: X pattern Butterfly
"Pass GOD Butt"
Week 6 run-through all movement building blocks
One-time through
Creative Activity - Arranging the building blocks