nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
- today: section-by-section runthroughs interspersed with practice
structure on board
- KarA
- KarB-1 (4x = .1, .2, .3, .4)
- KarB-2 (4x)
- KarB-3 (4x)
- KarB-4 (8x)
- KarA-2 (4x)
- KarC (4x)
- KarD-1 (4x)
- KarD-2 (4x)
physical warmup
- clap warmup: KarB sticking handshakes
KarA, A-2
- things to consider: sticking, counting, dynamics, form (StiCouDyFo)
- ignoring others
- shared jiuchi (track)
transition A->B
transition B->A-2
transition A-2->C
transition C->D
KarD, D-2
how do we become robust enough for performance?
- each person needs a "next thing to work on"
-- how would you use Ignoring Others practice time?
future "robust" work
-- how would you use Shared Tempo practice time?
- if you don't have it, we'll raise the bar
-- performances in pairs
-- performances by individuals
-- performances for Julia / Katsuji
ender: Karc into Jack Bazaar
- Grand Annex
- Cherry Blossom Fest.
- check w/ Connie re Wilmington classes (KB this week, break on 31st?)