nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
review truffle-hunting concept
- video: 4-count 1eau
-- asking coach for time to practice your truffles
- video: 1-count 1eau
Ante Case ("Ante" 4-box set) review
- 1) box definer
- 2) one or two hits in specific relationship to pulse, keep "definer"
- 3) more frequent use of that relationship
- 4) additional relationship(s) - *almost* anything goes
Cue and Tag review
rough arrangement
- solo 1
- solo 2 w cue
- solo 3 w cue and tag?
- solo 4 w?
- etc
- tag as end
video: hello coach
video: rough arrangement
possible further study
- strategies for compelling rhythms
-- AAAB?
-- what creates "funk"?
--- super-solid base beat
--- upbeats (e, u)
--- "thirds"
--- ostinato
- Tally Huh?!
- arrangement of players: entering as compositional element