tsukeshime bachi (usually smaller diameter, softer "hou" wood)
- six angles, 3 drums each person?
AS check-in
- why is taiko so important to you?
- how do those values work with LATI's courses / projects?
-- being useful
- initial evaluation
-- eyes
--- eye contact
--- using mirror effectively
-- strike
- concerns
-- burnout
- LATIdama project
small-drum improv. demo
- (wk 12 Radiddlepa?)
try love of shime
- tone (follow the leader: ctr, edge, press hits, etc)
- rhythm (copycat: common jiuchi, loud v soft, etc)
- musicality (advanced technique: doubles, dang, multi-drum)
- creativity (out-of-time improv, taking turns)
fund. 1 - bongo vs handshake position
- warmup
-- squeezes
-- "painting" stretch
-- "twisting" stretch
- both hands bongo
- one bongo, one bachi
- both bachi
fund. 2 - position of bachi in hand
- tossing
- flipping
- 6 angles
fund. 3 - bounce of bachi
- starting at top of strike, push only, bounce all the way up
- starting at med point, bounce all the way up
- starting low, bounce all the way up
- heavy -> light bachi
fund. 4 - fingers follow bachi
-- bounce low -> high: pointer finger, middle, etc, 32 dribbles each
-- other hand
-- then again high -> low
-- both together
-- both opposites
fund. 5 - bachi tip on axis
-- guide posts with partner
16s Drill, first 4 counts
try love of shime
- tone (follow the leader: ctr, edge, press hits, etc)
- rhythm (copycat: common jiuchi, loud v soft, etc)
- musicality (advanced technique: doubles, dang, multi-drum)
- creativity (out-of-time improv, taking turns)