small drum bachi
Bachi choice
- Smaller drum/thinner skin ~> smaller/lighter bachi
- Larger drum/thicker skin ~> larger/heavier bachi
- Playing multiple drums = compromise; try to get a satisfying sound for all drums involved!
Review grip, stance, technique
Play "teketekedokodoko"
- Just play in whatever way comes naturally to you
- We noticed that for RH leading, playing this pattern is easier switching from L drum to R drum than vice versa
- Lesson: in general, we want to "shift" our hands by playing the closer hand to the drum we're going to hit next
Don DoKo/Horse Ji
- All on one drum
- RH lead, shift RH back and forth between drums, e.g. Don teke
- LH lead, shift LH back and forth between drums, e.g. Ten doko
- Practice different combinations (including use of accenting/dynamics if students want additional challenge)
Practice 1e&a drill with accents on low drum (on the RH side)
- In general, want to cross "over" rather than "under" because it's easier
- We noticed that the "e" and "a" accents will require a cross when using natural/serial sticking, e.g. RLRLRLRLetc.
-- Eventually, we will try to have multiple sticking options for every pattern so that we can naturally change drums/sounds whenever we want!
Crosses & Shifts
Use the "Crosses & Shifts" drill to practice moving flexibly between drums
Crosses pattern should be accented
Shifts pattern should be dynamically even
Practice RH and LH lead for both patterns
- Not including the last "Crosses" pattern (to switch our lead hand) -- we will practice this next week!