tsukeshime bachi (usually smaller diameter, softer "hou" wood)
- space overview
-- LATI as guest
-- lights, air, whiteboard, music stands
- instrument use instructions
-- bachi
-- setting up drums
--- two per person, shime on R
- Omiyage history
-- 2003 by Shoji (composition), later Yuta choreography
- class structure
-- welcome
-- warmup: copycat / Bonanza
-- fundamentals practice
-- Omiyage jiuchi-specific
-- section run
-- individual practice
-- clean
-- circle and close
course overview
- improve hand dexterity
- intro to multi-drum
- learn Omiyage Shime/Okedo part
starting point video (measure of goals 1 and 2)
- ten tsuku
- tekke tsuku tsuku
- ten dokodon don
strike fundamentals: one key concept per person
- grip: thumb and pointer as fulcrum
- wrist position
- fingers / wrist / elbow
- bounce
- individual form feedback
Bonanza Drill
- Kiai - half-speed don tsuku w/ fills A/B
- Intro x4 - half-speed don tsuku x2, 8th note crescendo x2
- cutout
- A x2 - don tsuku
- A Ext x2 - ten tsukutsu ken x1, no inbetweens x1 w/ slowdown
- Solo Tag - ten teketekke dogon su gon
- Solo I, II - ten tsuku
- B - tekke dogodogo, w/ cutout
- Solo III, IV
- Kakeai
- Build
- Intro x 1
- River
- A x 4
- Ending
A Extended x 2: ten tsuku tsu ken x 1, ten ken ten x 1
Solo Tag
- ten teke ten ten dokon ko x 2
- tsu gon go tsu gon go tsu gon go
- don 2 3 4
Solo I, II: ten tsuku
B x 2: ten ken dogodogo
Solo III, IV
Kakeai x 2: tsuku teke teke teke
Build x 4: don tsuku
Intro x 1: half-speed don tsuku x 1, doko x 1
River: ten ken dogo dogo
A x 4: don tsuku x 2, don tsuku + ten tsuku tsu ken x 2
End: ten x 4 + teketeke
Kiai and A/B fills section
class pages at taiko.la
rules for individual practice time
- personal stuff
- no talking
- I'm outside "I'm not sure what to do..." "I'm bored"
- I'll come in at 2-till