nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
name, pronouns, name a texture that brings you joy
Important to remember that, there is no right or wrong posture, there is posture that supports you, and allows you to access the natural force to be powerful and strong
The concept of ki 氣 - the air between our joints
Warm up is part of the practice
first drill: Ga - Gi - Gank - Gi
(Kris Bergstorm designed his own kuchishoga that indicate left hand sticking with "G" and right hand with "D", so a left handed KA would be "Ga" and right handed as "Da", left handed Don would be "Gon" and "Don" as right.)
step 1: focus on the fluid motion of the left arm
tangential point for "Ga" (v.s. sharp acute strike on the rim)
stroking a fluffy silky long hair cat
step 2: single out Gank to practice, notice your posture, Slightly tilt your torso, find the angle that allows you to get the gank sound consistently without bending forward.
Step 3: incorporate the gank sound into the sequence, focus again on the bigger picture / fluid motion
second drill: Don Do Go, Don Do Go Don
hachijo style left bachi twirl
right extend and full extension
partner exercise to explore the right arm extension
sink your weight toward the ground, while your right arm pull in an opposite direction