small drum bachi
Basics review
- roll dynamics: soft, medium, loud
- Alternating Strikes: left hand straight, right hand straight, left hand swing, right hand swing
- Four Types of Strokes:
- Full stroke: start high, end high
- Down stroke: start high, end low
- Tap: start low, end low
- Up stroke: start low, end high
- Ji Patterns with Accenting Focus
- straight
- swing
- Horse Ji
- even loudness (TEN TEKE) (Rt hand lead: R RL; Lt hand lead: L LR)
- Alternating Hits: R LR L RL....
- Loud, Soft, Medium (TEN tsu Ke)
- Matsuri Ji
- TEN tsuku tsu TEN (Rt hand lead: R RL R; Lt hand lead: L LR L)
- ABC Accent Drill
- A: (1) e & (a) 2 e (&) a 3 (e) & a (4) e & a
- B: 1 (e) & a (2) e & (a) 3 e (&) a 4 (e) & a
- C: 1 e (&) a 2 (e) & a (3) e & (a) 4 e (&) a
*video demonstration (from LATI x COVID website)