nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
- space overview
-- LATI as guests at ATUS
-- lights, air, whiteboard, music stands
- instrument use
-- bachi
-- setting up drums
- class structure
- introductions (name, experience, weird)
- "Yoroshiku onegaishimasu"
Starting point video - follow the leader oroshi
Course goals
- intro to the three strike types
- learn and perform the Kuyou Oroshi
- love taiko, get to know one another
(Ancillary goals)
- intro to kuchishoga: "do", "go"
- counting
- listening to "togetherness"
- intro to notation
Today's goal: grip and stance
Grip - front-view: copycat R hand (watch 4 me, watch 4 self) then L hand
- first priority: relaxation
- handshake position of wrist
- thumb and the "V"
Elbow - side-view: copycat R hand then L hand
Stance - mirror
- feet position: L back R forward
- leg bend
- distance from drum, upper body / "mesen"
Final announcements
- homework
-- supported, not required
-- ways to practice at home: tire, no-taiko-required exercises
- class pages at
- 15-min post-class practice, today, cleaning