tsukeshime bachi (usually smaller diameter, softer "hou" wood)
nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
[5] listening exercise - Planet Bands
- Was the use of repetition in the piece satisfying to you?
- Would you listen to the piece again?
- Are there any aspects of the piece that might be interesting in a taiko context?
[10] Topic overview: Literal Composition
- direct translation of concept to music
-- help with decision making when musical training is lacking
-- write now, revise later
-- exists in different levels throughout musical world
--- from John Cage and Iannis Xenakis
--- to Jason Moran
--- or Marco Minnemann
--- to simply nature sounds at the beginning of a recording
- possible musical variables for control
-- rhythm
--- "co-hi gyu-nyu..."
--- hit vs silence: pi
--- "Charles Hsueh": hit consonants
-- tone
--- CHARLES HSUEH: number of strokes picks one of four tones
-- arrangement (who plays)
--- first vs last name
-- dynamics
--- "Charles Hsueh" three levels: capital letters, ascenders, lower case
[40] group composition
- initial attempt
-- layer 1: word to rhythm (Wikipedia)
-- layer 2: date to tone (150514)
-- layer 3: ____ to arrangement
-- layer 4: ____ to dynamics
- revision
- practice
- video
[15] individual work
- share, take videos
- "Alarm" Kim
- "Umi" Yoko
- "Tesla" Kaz
- "Outside the Box" Kuni
- "Randomness" Doreen
- "Dolla Dolla Bill" Kaitlyn
- danger: self-indulgent
- benefit: not pandering, brave, original
- "inspiration is for amateurs"