Shime bachi
- I. 8:00-8:05 (5): Setup
- II. 8:05-8:08 (3): Explanation and aisatsu
- III. 8:08-8:26 (18): Drills
- 2 minutes: drill A -- bad sounds drill
- 2 minutes: drill B -- left hand drill
- 3 minutes: drill C -- don't fall out drill
- 3 minutes: drill D -- triples drill
- 8 minutes: drill E -- body percussion kuchishoga drill
- IV. 8:26-8:28 (2): Break
- V. 8:28-8:43 (15): Transition simulation
- 3 minutes: set up, poll members for which transitions to drill
- 4 minutes: transition 1
- 4 minutes: transition 2
- 4 minutes: transition 3
- VI. 8:43-8:53 (10): Stretch, assign parts for runs
- VII. 8:53-9:15 (22): Run 1 w/ feedback, run 2 w/ feedback
- VIII. 9:15-9:18 (3): Break
- IX. 9:18-9:40 (22): Run 3 w/ feedback, run 4 w/ feedback
- X. 9:40-9:45 (5): Clean, aisatsu
- Drill A: bad sounds
- "chih" (bad chi) x4, chi x4, "chaaah" (bad cha) x4, cha x4
- Train your ear to what sounds your kane should be making.
- Everyone does this one at a time, we go in a circle once. No metronome.
- Drill B: left hand
- chan x4, su-chan x4
- Make sure the kane is stable in your hand when you mute and unmute.
- Everyone does this together. No metronome.
- Drill C: don't fall out
- chan chan chikichi x4
- All-one for a round or two, then we do it together and speed up. Yes metronome.
- Drill D: triples
- cha-cha-chan x4, chi-cha-chan x4
- All-one for a round or two, then we do it together and speed up. Yes metronome.
- Drill E: body percussion kuchishoga
- Line up taiko and kane for a particularly difficult part of Yatai A.
- Groups tap LRR (or RLL or whatever) on their thighs while standing.
- Group A: te-ke ten su-te do-do
- Group B: te don te-do m-te
- Group C: do te-do su-te do-do
- Group D: te don su-don