Tuesday, July 10, 2018 - 20:00 to 21:45
Large Classroom
Student should bring:
nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
Class syllabus:
- stretch with name, "Why Jack Bazaar?"
Loud/Soft Drill
- 8x: incrementally getting faster
Set drums
Slowplosion A/B
(1) Call and Answer
(2) Two teams, alternating (x4)
- add jiuchi (x4)
- add offsets in pairs
- Everyone pairs up; one person plays Slowplosion and the other plays the jiuchi. The first pair starts playing. After 2 counts, the next pair starts. 2 counts after them, the third pair starts (and so on and so forth). Switch roles (between the pair) immediately after. The timing should stay consistently offset overall.
- add kiai and odaiko
(1) Review
(2) Call and Answer
(1) Review Pattern
- ga do gi da gang da gi de
(2) Adding in the Left
Right hits are odd numbers and left hits are even numbers.
Right v Left
- Keeping the beat of the whole Maracas, play just the right pattern: 1 3 5 7 (x4)
- Play the right pattern with the first left hit: 1 2 3 5 7 (x4)
- Play the right pattern with the first 2 left hits: 1 2 3 4 5 7 (x4)
- Play the right pattern with the first 3 left hits: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (x4)
- Play the all: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (x4)
- Keeping the beat of the whole Maracas, play just the first hit: 1 (x4)
- Play the first 2 hits: 1 2 (x4)
- Play the first 3 left hits: 1 2 3 (x4)
- so on and so forth
(3) Maracas with "Levee" Ji
Reference picture
Clean Up and Close
Kris Bergstrom
Abi Sangco
Arthur Mok
Carol Fukuchi
Diane Fujimori
Ariel R
Katie Durnbaugh
Kim Masumi
Naomi Nishi