tsukeshime bachi (usually smaller diameter, softer "hou" wood)
notebook and pencil
warmup: 3 min "comfort lick" prac ignoring others
review sumo concepts
- tonal fades
-- constant sticking, changing tones
--- daga
--- da <-> de <-> do
--- open -> dzu, open -> jyu
-- rubato comfort licks
- volume fades
-- extended technique
--- jiku
--- guchi
--- ryoutan
review okedo concepts
- press hits
-- do->jyu tonal fades
-- do do jyu jyu je je jyu jyu
-- "releasing" left
-- building to comfort lick on do, de
-- "trashing it"
- tonal structure: ABAC ABAchange
- groove option: radiddlepa
-- changing one hand tone
-- fills
- comfort lick variation and super-variation
review shime concepts
- eighth-note serial sticking brick chunks
-- tere tsuku
-- ten ten
-- teke teke
-- tsu ke ten (*)
-- tsuku tsuku (*)
-- tsu ke tsu ke ten (*)
- playing through bar lines
-- non-pulse brick chunk
-- single-hand 8ths
-- tsuku
- take Next Courses survey
- Bachi BBQ reminder / sign-ups
- discuss coaching session