shime bachi (usually smaller diameter "ho" or "hinoki" bachi)
notepad and pencil
- cameras: full shot, shime closeup
- lav mic
- Radiddlepa shime
- setup
-- two-row semicircle
-- introductions chair
- on board: main shaga pattern, L 16th notes challenge pattern
- cameras: wide, closeup on introductions chair
[15:00] Welcome
- name, thoughts on last month of practice, sound with position in bar
- Japan trip: okay to be weird, "plus alpha" joy of Torrance
[15:10] Shaga outside, jogging
- jogging with counts "1 & 2 & 3 & 4 &"
- the subtle "sensation of attention"
- R basic technique: 8th notes
-- "1 & 2 & 3 & 4 &": knuckles on own hand
-- accents with pointer nail (counts)
-- accents with thumb nail (&s)
-- Shaga back scratch circle
-- "- & 2 - 3 - - &" for return jog
[15:30] Shaga inside
- on taiko with tap on "1"
- L basic technique: 16th notes "pulse+e" "&+u"
-- along with Octatrack counting
-- challenge pattern
--- 1e-- ---- ---- --&u
--- 1e-- 2e-- --&u ----
--- 1eau ---- 3eau ----
--- --&u --&u --&u 4e--
- full Shaga "2d" pattern
[15:50] demos
- Shaga section
- technique potential: demo on o-oke
[16:00] break
- answers to previous questions
[16:10] Teko
- highest return on investment technique (opposite of shaga?)
- basic sidestick technique
-- arm down, bend at wrist
-- lift and tap whole bachi
-- leave butt side of bachi down
-- position on drum
-- key points
--- arm on drum provides stability, mute
--- butt of bachi remains in contact with drum
--- fingers/thumb grip to allow for slap
- radiddlepa with teko
[16:30] Reflection (share one of the following)
- New sound you love?
- Practice experience?
- Inspired to create?
- Current radiddlepa phrase?
[16:45] Future
- possible dates
-- mallet-making workshop: morn Sun Jul 28
-- lecture 4: Sun Jul 28
-- lecture 5: Sun Aug 25
-- lecture 6: Sun Sep 22
-- PEAC party: Thu Oct 31 Radiddlepalloween?
- contributing to drill tree
- roping others in
- practice as social time
- private lessons, promises