Nagado Bachi
LATI students are...
- supportive
- patient
- focused*
- attentive*
- how to take a break
-- bachi down, rush over to sit, otherwise double-break, triple-break, stop the presses
- today's class brought to you by the letter "P"
Vocabulary - Point Quiz
- set up drums in a circle for quick pointing
- each student names the drum in turn, with the pointing getting faster
Shime Daiko
Okedo Daiko
Nagadou Daiko
Matsuri jiuchi
- quick jiuchi review, "ichi ni sore" 4x
A poem - "Jiuchi" has no "P"
"Jiuchi" has no "P"
J-I-U-C-H-I, no "P', perfectly P free.
And yet a prime pattern of particular priority.
Plain, but not poor.
Polished, not pretentious.
Pleasantly pious yet unpredictably powerful.
But this prime pattern of particular priority is possibly perplexing
thus we practice practice practice.
- ichi ni so-re 4x
- alternating between M1 and jiuchi: Pick Point Play
-- all play the jiuchi, I "Pick" an M pattern with one hand and "Point" to someone to play
- half of group jiuchi, half of group M1-4
sweep howto
Aisatsu and final announcements
- Bonenkai - December 20
- Joint Practice - December 11 (Thurs) 5-7pm and December 18 (Thurs) 5:30-6:30pm