nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
- warmup with personal updates
course overview
- thinking like a proper group
-- helping one another
-- "Yoroshiku onegai shimasu"
-- coming late: "Sorry I'm late!" "Glad you're here!"
- Prereq.: no experience required
- Repetition: high
- Focus level: specific (particular rhythms vs more general musical skills)
- Physical exertion: low to medium (physical warmup, low stance)
- Goal(s): intro to taiko, performance of Orientation on week 12 (PEAC Week), fun!
3 x 1min roll drills
- playing "in control"
- strong first two hits, then roll
oroshi fundamental skills
- sounding like a single drum
- following extremely closely
- using peripheral vision
- counting
-- R hand as "1", "2", etc
-- sets of 8
-- actual options (8x3 8x2 8x1 4x1)
- starting partway through another's oroshi
- arrangement
-- oroshi 1: shortening and eventually overlapping oroshi
-- oroshi 2: fuchi prelude to roll
-- roll to ka, back to don, loud
-- slowdown
orientation fundamental skills
- don doko
- RL L L L L ("daga su ga su ga su ga")
- R RL
- first half: "su su jyan da ga su ga su ga su ga"
- future
-- second half: "dan daga su ga su gadan dan dagadan"
- "RLR---RLR" with stepping
A - O---|----|O---|----|O---|----|O---|----
B - --o-|--o-|--o-|--0-|O---|O-O-|0-o-|o-o-
C - ooo-|--oo|o---|--oo|o---|oo..|..oo|....
D - ----|O-oo|-o-o|-o-o|o-oo|-o-o|o-o-|ooo-
additional course info
- homework: encouraged, not required (Fri / Sat, looking at notes and playing on lap is genuinely helpful)
-- when necessary, will give specific goals like, "please have this memorized by next week"
- missing class: let KB know in advance, make-up on Wed
- KB contact info
- questions
oroshi ender
"Arigatou gozaimashita"
oroshi Recital plan