tsukeshime bachi (usually smaller diameter, softer "hou" wood)
nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
sugagaki overview - VIDEO
- concept: interlocking hits allow for dramatic speed/power/tonality
- demo
- terms
-- "sugagaki"
-- "omote", "ura"
warmup: KB as omote, all as ura
starting point videos: one at a time with helper running metronome
- omote
- ura
sugagaki skill building
- understanding your max tempo: comfort, growth, panic zones
- challenge of omote: being the rock
-- precise playing with the metronome
-- making gentle adjustments
- challenge of ura: increasing max tempo
-- "pushing the max" approach: drills from just below max tempo
--- dynamics
--- tone
--- dropping the 1
--- 16th-note suga against 8th / quarter-note omote
-- "pulling the max" approach: drills from just above max tempo
--- wading in
--- mountains
SugAmen patterns
sugagaki's profound mental challenge requires fundamental growth in listening/attention and control
- temporal resolution (at 92 bpm, 32nd notes are .08 seconds apart, requiring approximately 1/100th second adjustments to maintain groove)
- hands must move consistently so that brain can practice same muscle sequence
the joys and frustrations of uncharted territory
special skills required
- concentration (listening, ignoring others)
- learning during breaks (reflection, staying engaged, fostering curiosity)
need additional metronomes, drum pads?