nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
goals: practice a deeper understanding of ManMan's approach on posture and form
stance - create a space to understand and adapt different style of playing into a more natural form
tai chi exercise
- understanding alignment, awareness of lower body, shoulder and neck position
- the practice of "letting go"
"washing machine" exercise
- initiate the motion and momentum from the core rather than shoulder
- incorporate the "jelly fish" exercise while practicing the washing machine motion
- 2 minutes roll
- focus on brining awareness to tension spots
- focus on initiating the motion from the core
- 2 minutes roll
- right handed stance with fist grip
- right handed stance with shime grip
- left handed stance with shime grip
- left handed stance with fist grip
Oroshi exercise (beta with odaiko bachi)
- one person playing soft roll while the other person play crescendo > decrescendo
practice the tai chi exercise everyday
practice opening up chest/lengthen spine/pull crown towards the sky
find a pattern for next class to practice on