nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
- tai chi warmup (arm swing)
- lower body stretches (Carrie Carter and Ryo Shimamoto)
- feet
- legs + shoulder blades
"dying dog" exercise
-1 mins of on the floor exercise
- 2 mins roll
-goals: focus on breathing, bring awareness to where tension happened throughout the body, breath into the tension spot
- 2 mins roll
- L.H. fist grip > shime grip
- R.H. shime grip > fist grip
revisit qi/ki track
revisit kegel breathing
- crescendo/decrescendo roll
- each person takes turn to play crescendo/decrescendo
When we are fully aware of the body, our mind and body are synchronized, we are connected, and we are whole" Mindfulness by Tessa Watt
Groundedness and Stability
- kara "surya" doro
- each person takes turn to lead and the group respond by playing crescendo/decrescendo
- think of the wobbly inflatable tube man at car sales
su Don su Don
- focus on utilizing the breath to bring up both arms from the core rather than the shoulders
revisit Han Datsu Roku
try with movement on drums
Willow Tree Exercise
The willow tree is safe and grounded, but their leaves move and flow like water.
Final Video after all the exercises