nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
- tai chi warmup (300 arm swing)
- lower body stretches (Carrie Carter and Ryo Shimamoto)
- feet
- legs + shoulder blades
"dying dog" exercise
-2 mins of on the floor exercise
-goals: focus on breathing, bring awareness to where tension happened throughout the body, breath into the tension spot
- 2 mins roll
- L.H. fist grip > shime grip
- R.H. shime grip > fist grip
revisit qi/ki track
revisit kegel breathing
- crescendo/decrescendo roll
- each person takes turn to play crescendo/decrescendo
Groundedness and Stability
- kara "surya" doro
- each person takes turn to lead and the group respond by playing crescendo/decrescendo
- think of the wobbly inflatable tube man at car sales
Willow Tree Exercise
The willow tree is safe and grounded, but their leaves move and flow like water.