nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
- without any explanation, name a sustenance that describe your energy today.
- full body warmup
- dying cockroaches / shaking the water off / arm swing
- music "As the River Flow" LAU.RA REWORK
Alignment and Drumrolls
- adjust your stance to the height of the drum
e.g. with a lower and wider stance for smaller drum, or a narrower and taller stand for bigger drum
Jelly Fish (Kegel exercises) + water bottle
- purpose of Jelly fish/kegel exercise: Practice the release and contract of the pelvic floor muscle (kegel exercise) to strengthen the initiation from the core for a powerful and relax strike
- purpose of water bottle - follow the flow of water drop (bend the elbow as the water flow downward reaching the bottle cap)
- posture awareness, and the concept of initiating from your core, and "letting go" of the arms
- notice the elbow joint has to relax / let the elbow drop
basic kata / 4-8-16-32-16-8 drills to music + POWER UP exercise
Music: Tropkillaz - Hot Damn:
Improvisation to music
- purpose: to listen and connect with each other while looking inward
Heart Sutra × Ikkyu-ji Temple,Kyoto / Kanho Yakushiji
The Force is not a power you have. It's not about lifting rocks. It's the energy between all things, a tension, a balance, that binds the universe together.
Luke Skywalker
Practice 2 minutes drum roll everyday to train the dexterity of the hand
Play with the water bottle