Chudaiko Bachi
- Uwauchi: soloist
- Shitauchi: base keeper
Types of Shitauchi
- Yuukichi: ● - ● ● (Don Doko / R - R L / horse beat)
- Shabataki: ● - ● (DonKo / R - L / swing beat)
- Honbataki: ○ - ● ○ (Zu - Do Zu / R - R L)
Zu = pressing on the drumhead with bachi, muted sound
Shitauchi Practice
- Practice with door-knob opening motion
- Practice with naname type motion
- Yuukichi: variety of ji possible, depending on where to accent
- Honbataki: amount of buzz / muted sound depends on angle and surface area of bachi pressing against drumhead
Hachijo Patterns
Line 1: R - L -|L R - -|R L - L|R - - -
Line 2: ● ● - ●|● - ● -|● - - ●|● - - - (free form)
Line 3: R L - -|L R - -|R L - -|L R - -
Line 4: R L R L|R L R L|R L R L|R L R L
Line 5: R - L -|L - R -|R - L -|L - R -
Clean Up