nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, maple or "hou" wood)
socks (potential spinning)
- mutes
- lighted bachi
anatomical planes
- coronal
- axial (spinning, above head)
- sagittal
- complicated: spiral
- Face taiko. Bachi sticks should barely reach the rim. Imagine there is an infinity sign right above and just touching the rim of the taiko [see bottom pic reference]. The hand movements will follow this infinity path.
- Right hand Da across the rim at "11:30"
- Left hand crosses over the right to make Ga across the rim at "12:30"
- Right hand curves up and around (as if chasing after the left hand) and Da across the rim at "12:30"
- Left hand curves up around to make a circle and gently Ga at the "11:30" of the rim
PART 2: AXIAL CIRCLE [cont. from "Chasing"]
- circle the right hand clockwise above our head
PART 3: SPINNING [cont. from Axial Circle]
(1) First Spin
-- completing the circle above your head, the right hand Da across the rim. Bring it straight up pointed at the sky (vertical).
-- plant your right foot slightly back from the taiko (this will be the point of rotation). As you start turning clockwise, Ga with the left hand. Should be straight and horizontal.
-- turn 360º back to face the taiko
(2) Second Spin
-- step down with your left foot (point of rotation) and keep turning clockwise as the left hand Ga.
-- turn 360º back to face the taiko (throughout the turn, extended right arm gradually points to the ceiling)
-- end in pedestal position and Go (left) Do (right)
Combine all 3 parts for full Tornado choreograph.
Things to remember:
- make motions fluid and BIG (it's called "Tornado" afterall)
- keep arms extended
- bachi "drag"