nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, maple or "hou" wood)
socks (potential spinning)
5 min: Tornado Spins
(see notes week 2 for full Tornado break down)
- Repeat Tornado spins (First and Second)
Things to Remember
- Left arm is straight and horizontal
- Right arm is straight and vertical
- Ideally on demi-point when spinning. Your body is pulled straight up as high as possible then at last moment drop down on far side to hit the rim (Cho).
Da Ga, Da Ga
- As you start spinning clockwise with your right foot, hit the rim with your right (Da) then left (Ga). As you're completing your spin to face the taiko again hit the rim Da, and Ga as you step down on your left to have both feet on the ground.
Things to Remember
- Arms are straight out
- As you spin, the plane of your arms are angled (NOT parallel to the floor). You're basically imitating the ring of Saturn; hitting the rim in a slightly upward motion as you spin.
*tsu* Go Don, Go, Don
- First beat is a pause (*tsu*). Spin counter clockwise with your left foot as you hit the taiko with your left (Go) then right (Don). Once you complete your spin to face the taiko again (still on one leg) hit Go and then Don as you step down on your right leg.
Things to Remember
- The last Go Don has a longer break in between the Go and Don compared to the first Go Don.
- Before the last Don, make sure that position of the right arm is straight out, ready to hit the taiko with full force.
Saturn/Enceladus Marathon
Copycat: Da Ji Ga Dan Gan