Tuesday, August 27, 2013 - 20:00 to 21:30
Large Classroom
Class syllabus:
details on cue, switch
next steps with M1-4, M1-4e: essential brickchunks
- quarter don su
- eighth don don
- sixteenth dogodogo
- don dogo
- dogodon
- dogo su go
- su godogo
call and answer
L1a - sticking
L1b - form
L1c - timing
L2 - left handed
L3 - sticking double-speed
Telephone and The Repeatment
Jiuchi practice
- standard, call and answer: r rlr l
-- L2 left handed
- bouncing right, help individuals find comfy speed: r rlr r
Phrase 1-type challenge
- I loop M-style phrase, students use following skills to figure it out
Kris Bergstrom
Doreen Haramoto
Lloyd Nakano
Elaine Ishida