nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
Hachijo Daiko
Set Up
-narrow side of stand forward
-lower sounding side for Uwauchi, higher for Shitauchi
-tilt drum so all of audience can see
Practice basic strike (R and L)
Hachijo Practice Pattern (HPP) 1~5
- Practice all patterns one at a time
-- Everyone plays the pattern repeatedly
-- Divide into two groups and one group plays while the other group plays shitauchi
-- Switch and repeat for all of the three shitauchi
- Practice the full sequence while half the class plays shitauchi, then switch
- Practice the full sequence x2, same form as above, but faster tempo!
Speed-up Template
- Break down and practice small chunks
- Practice both straight/swing beat
- David demonstrates an "alternate" set of patterns to speed up
- in pairs show HPP x 2, Speed-up, HPP x1 with ending.
-- Uwauchi starting, Shitauchi entering after 4