Interested in Jack Bazaar?
Know Jack Bazaar but want to make your movements better?
"It's my belief that the act of choreography is essential to being able to play Jack Bazaar movements as if they are one's own. Toward this end, Choreo Study: Jack Bazaar takes select movements from Jack Bazaar as the scaffolding for new choreography. Participants are guided through a series of different approaches to creating naname movement, the end-goal being a heightened sensitivity for form and flow, improved mirror skills, and fun!"
- Kris
Naname experience required. Jack Bazaar experience not required.
$264 for whole all 12 weeks (purchase online or at Asano Taiko US)
$96 monthly instalments every 4 weeks (purchase online or at Asano Taiko US)
Purchase Online - make sure to click on appropriate class title