nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
looped movement
- one warmup, one LATIdama-style
Give each student coaching period movement goal
- SN: n/a
- AL: n/a
- TN: when deciphering, determine the following for each hit
-- Which hand is hitting?
-- Where is the hand hitting? (ka vs don, etc)
-- What is the entry/exit of that hit? (any arm swings or other movements related to that hit?)
review of movement concepts
- types: coronal vs axial
- axis of drum and movement as "wind up"
- prioritize the strike (requires independence)
- when changing directions, arms usually extended
8em phrases including M/2
- instructor 2
-- 1 2 3/2/4, 3e 1x
-- 2 2 3/2/3, 3x 4x
- others 1 (provide scaffolding)
-- 1em 1em h/h/1em, 2em 2em
- LATIdama-style challenge
-- 1, 3, 4e
-- 2/3/2/1, 3x
- Jen Baik background
-- make video message
--- name mnemonic
--- "I'm looking forward to _____"
- skipped week for WTG, WTG signups
- naname fundamentals plan next term